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ISL202 Assignment 2 Solution Download in PDF

Assignment Question: The Treaty of Hudaybiyya is one of the significant events of the Holy Prophet’s life. It laid the foundation of the conquest of Mecca. The Companions used to sacrifice their lives for the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The Companions always respected and revered the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

In this assignment, you have to write down 5 incidents in the form of points (in your own words) that show the love, respect, and reverence of the Companions for Holy Prophet (PBUH) during the event of Hudaybiyya only.


1. Demise news about Hazrat Usman (R.A)

          Holy Prophet chose to send a messenger to the Quraish to arrange terms of concurrence with them. The bogus news spread that Hazrat Usman R.A has been killed. Ten companions with the Holy Prophet PBUH held hands to render retribution.

2.  Bait-e-Rizwan:

          All the Companions joined their hands and make a guarantee with the Holy Prophet PBUH to render retribution of Hazrat Usman R.A. It is known as Bait e-Rizwan. Allah Said in the possession of Holy Prophet PBUH as his hands as that occurrence.

3. Big Achievement:

          Every one of the particulars of the deal was against the Muslims however every one of the colleagues and Muslims acknowledges this is a result of the admiration of Holy Prophet PBUH. Later on, this demonstrated triumph for Muslims. Allah says in Quran: "We have for sure conceded an unmistakable triumph for you".

4. Story of Hazrat Abu Jandal (R.A)

          After the settlement of hudybiyyah Hazrat Abu Jandal flew from Makah and came to the Holy Prophet for security. Heavenly Prophet sent him back because of the agreement.

5. After the treaty of Hudaybiyyah:

          After the deal, the associates butchered their animals (that they accompanied them for Umrah) and returned. The deal stayed around two years. In these years Islam spread twofold because of the good atmosphere.

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