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Virtual University Handout Buy or download PDF at one place


Virtual University all Handout available in PDF Download Free

What is the handout of Virtual University?

Handout means the book on a specific subject. Virtual University is an online University that delivers lectures and prepares lecture notes in PDF and also publishes HardForm with paid. However many students do not buy Hard form lecture notes from Virtual University Bookshop. They need a PDF handout and prepare the Subject for the Exam.

Where do we get the Handout / Book in Hard Form of the Virtual University?

Every student can buy a handout or book from a Hadi VU Bookship and Print Solution.

How do I buy online books/handouts from Virtual University?

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Can I download these handouts/books of Virtual University in PDF free?

Yes, You can download these handouts/books for free in PDF.

Where do I download the PDF handout?

Abdul Hadi E-Services provides free handouts in PDF and still working for you easiest life in Virtual University.

Download Every handout from the below link:

Book Code Handout Name Download Link
VU001 Introduction to Computing Download
CS101 Introduction to e-Learning Download
ENG101 English Comprehension Download
MTH101 Calculus And Analytical Geometr Download
PHY101 Physics Download
PHY301 Circuit Theory Download
PAK301 Pakistan Studies Download
ETH202 Ethics (for Non-Muslims) Download
ISL201 Islamic Studies Download
VU001 Introduction to e-Learning Download
CS302 Digital Logic Design Download
ENG201 Business and Technical English Writing Download
MTH301 Calculus II Download
ECO401 Economics Download
MGT211 Introduction To Business Download
CS304 Object Oriented Programming Download
CS403 Database Management Systems Download
CS601 Data Communication Download
MTH202 Discrete Mathematics Download
MGT301 Principles of Marketing Download
MGT503 Principles of Management Download
CS301 Data Structures Download
CS401 Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming Download
CS504 Software Engineering - I Download
CS610 Computer Networks Download
MGT501 Human Resource Management Download
MGT602 Entrepreneurship Download
CS205 Information Security Download
CS402 Theory of Automata Download
CS502 Fundamentals of Algorithms Download
MCM301 Communication skills Download
MTH401 Differential Equations Download
STA301 Statistics and Probability Download
CS604 Operating Systems Download
CS606 Compiler Construction Download
MTH501 Linear Algebra Download
CS202 Fundamentals of Front End Development Download
CS407 Routing and Switching Download
CS411 Visual Programming Download
CS435 Cloud Computing Download
CS508 Modern Programming Languages Download
CS602 Computer Graphics Download
CS603 Software Architecture and Design Download
CS605 Software EngineeringII Download
CS621 Parallel and Distributed Computing Download
MTH603 Numerical Analysis Download
CS501 Advance Computer Architecture Download
CS506 Web Design and Development Download
CS609 System Programming Download
CS611 Software Quality Engineering Download
MGT502 Organizational Behaviour Download
MGT610 Business Ethics Download
CS607 Artificial Intelligence Download
CS614 Data Warehousing Download
CS625 Professional Practices Download
GSC101 General Science Download
MTH102 Basic Algebra and Trigonometry Download
MTH104 Sets and Logic Download
ENG301 Business Communication Download
MTH304 Statics Download
MTH403 Calculus and Analytical Geometry - II Download
MTH405 Elementary Topics in Pure Mathematics Download
MTH201 Multivariable Calculus Download
MTH404 Dynamics Download
SOC101 Introduction to Sociology Download
MTH622 Vectors and Classical Mechanics Download
MTH633 Group Theory Download
MTH643 Introduction to MATLAB Download
MTH621 Real Analysis I Download
MTH623 Tensor Analysis and its Applications Download
MTH634 Topology Download
MTH601 Operations Research Download
MTH631 Real Analysis II Download
MTH632 Complex Analysis and Differential Geometry Download
MTH642 Fluid Mechanics Download
MTH641 Functional Analysis Download
MTH644 Measure Theory Download
MTH645 Fuzzy Logic and Applications Download
MTH646 Partial Differential Equations Download 
EDU301 General Methods of Teaching Download 
EDU402 Curriculum Development Download 
EDU406 Critical Thinking and reflective Practice Download 
EDU430 ICT in Education Download 
EDU601 Philosophy of Education Download 
EDU602 Educational Leadership and Management Download 
EDU302 Human Development and Learning Download 
EDU431 Test Development & Evaluation Download 
STA630 Research Methods Download 
STA643 Experimental Designs Download 
CS204 Cyber Law Download 
MTH646 Partial Differential Equations Download 
CS408 Human Computer Interaction Download 
EDU201 Learning Theories Download 
EDU401 Contemporary Issues and Trends in Education Download 
EDU604 Comparative Education Download 
MGMT623 Leadership & Team Management - MGMT623 (alt. code=HRM623) Download 
MTH304 Statics Download 
MTH644 Measure Theory Download 
MTH645 Fuzzy Logic and Applications Download 
BIF401 Bioinformatics-I Download 
BIO101 Handouts Download 
BIO201 Cell Biology Download 
BIO202 Bio Chem Download 
BIO301 Essentials of Genetics Download 
BIO302 PPTs Download 
BIO303 Handouts Download 
BIO503 Handouts Download 
BT102 Handouts Download 
BT201 Ecology, Biodiversity and Evolution-II Download 
STAT408 Statics Download 

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