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GSC101 Assignment No. 2 Solution Word File

 Question No. 1                                                                                                     Marks = 10

Either yes or no, explain the reasons of following statements,

1.      Corrosion is rusting of iron

2.      pH indicators should be used to test for rusting

3.      Rusting take place in the presence of oxygen only

4.      Rusting will not take place in water(100 Co)and oil mixture

5.      Rusting will occur faster in sea water than tap water


1.     Corrosion is rusting of iron

Yes, Because Corrosion is defined as” Eating away of Iron metal by surrounding medium in the presence of moist and air.”

2.     ph indicators should be used to test for rusting

Yes, pH indicators can be used to test for rusting. As Ferric oxide is formed which (is basic in nature) can convert

i.                    Red Litmus Paper into Blue Litmus Paper

ii.                   Colorless Phenolphthalein into Pink color (Color appear after pH of 9.0)

3.     Rusting takes place in the presence of oxygen only.

No, Rusting will take place when electrons from iron surface react with oxygen (reduce it) in the presence of H+ ion. Here moisture is also required. So saying only O2 is an incomplete statement.

4.     Rusting will not take place in water(100oC) and Oil mixture

Yes, Rusting will not take place in water at 100oC and oil mixture because at this point water is boiling and water vapors can never react electrons of iron. So reaction would not proceed. Similarly iron is insulated by oil mixture with its surrounding. So reaction can’t proceed.

5.     Rusting will occur faster in sea water than tap water

Yes, Rusting will occur faster in the sea water because it is salty water and water with salts acts as an electrolyte which conducts ions and speeds up the rusting. It also allows iron to loose electrons more easily and rapidly as compared to tap water.

Question No. 2                                                                                               Marks = 4+6=10

1.      Give real life examples of the following;

Prokaryotic organisms, Eukaryotic organisms, unicellular organism, Multicellular organism

2.      Write down the functional and structural similarities and differences between mitochondria and chloroplast? 


Prokaryotic organisms which lack a nucleus such as bacteria, blue algae, green algae, archaea etc.

Eukaryotic organisms are those who have clearly defined nucleus such as animals, plants, fungi, potatoes, mushrooms etc.


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